Admission Process

How does the admission process work?

The admissions process is straightforward and designed to help you make the move into our home as simple and worry free as possible.

It is broken down into four stages:


The Paperwork

Our Admission Pack is sent to the prospective client/representative via email or by post. The Admission Pack includes:

  • Admission Profile Form which needs to be filled in by the prospective client/ representative
  • Confidential Medical Report by the GP
  • Additionally, we will need from the GP; Medical History, current medication list and if appropriate copies of any psychiatric reports
  • Explanatory letter
  • Villa Scalabrini brochure

On receipt of completed documents, the medical reports will be shown to our GP who will give us an opinion from the medical side on whether the Home is able to take care and support the potential prospective individual.


Admission Pre-Assessment

Prior to offering a place we carry out an assessment of need where individual requirements are discussed. Normally this involves spending a couple of hours in the home, having a meal and meeting staff and other residents. In certain circumstances this assessment can be carried out outside the home.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, for the moment, the assessment is carried out via Skype or WhatsApp.


Place Offered

Following the pre-assessment, we arrange to hold a Management meeting in order to discuss the potential prospective individual case, taking into consideration all information received from the family of the client, Social Services (if relevant), all above forms and GP feedback. We take all opinions in considerations before coming to a final decision.

If, following the assessment and meeting, we find that we are able to meet the prospective client need’s then a room will be offered and a convenient start date arranged – subject to a trial period of up to 6 weeks.


On the Day

You will have received a booking confirmation letter which details what to bring on the day and staff will have been briefed to expect you. Furniture and other personal effects can be moved in prior to admission if agreed in advance. You will be welcomed into the home by one member from the Management Team. We understand that this can be a difficult time for both resident and family and our staff are trained to deal with any issues that might arise.

Six week review

Six weeks after admission a review is undertaken to confirm that all aspects of care are satisfactory. Individual care plans are discussed between the resident, their family and the home management team and any changes are agreed.

Request an Admission Pack

Please fill in the form below to request an Admission Pack…

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